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Forensic Sciecne Journal

publish date : 2010-03-29
Forensic Science Journal (FSJ) is an international journal dedicated to the applications of natural science, medicine, enginering, and social science in the administration of justice. The Journal is at this stage published biannually (in April and October of each year) by the Department of Forensic Science, Central Police University, Taiwan (Republic of China) and shall be enlarged soon to quarterly aiming at the SCI standing. The scope of the Journal covers the many different scientific disciplines comprising forensic sciences, research and applied, civil and criminal, such as forensic chemistry, toxicology, biology, pathology, serology, odontology, anthropology, geology, psychiatry, criminalistics, document examination, fire residue analysis, environmental forensics, lie detection, as well as such increasingly important yet lesser explored areas as mathematics, statistics, engineering, digital evidence and computer technology, photoelectronics, jurisprudence, ethics, education, behavioral science, linguistics, and the many other technologies used in modern forensics.

The Jounnal publishes original materual in the following article types: A full paper should cover its subject matter thoroughly, clearly and completely. A technical note describes a technical aspect of a field or issue and report on a procedure or method, or work on validation of techniques or methodologies; it is of insufficient length to justify a full paper, but full experimental details are required. A communication reports briefly preliminary research results of which immediate availability to the forensic science community is deemed important. A case report describes and discusses the analysis of an (or a small series of) unusual case(s); it should contain some important new information for the readers. A review is an invited or unsolicited article reviewing the state of the art or the published literature in a particular area of forensic interest to the readership. A commentary is an invited or unsolicited article of editorial or newsworthy nature. A letter to the editor and author(s) response further discuss previously reported items or any other matters.

In order to offer a rapid communication among forensic scientists, the Journal is issued in both printed and electronic versions. The printed version is only sent to the subscribers. The electronic full-texts of all articles, however, are freely available at the website http://fsjournal.mail.cpu.edu.tw. All articles published in the FSJ are protected by copyrights and no material published in this journal may be reproduced in any form without obtaining written permission from the publisher. The computer system of the FSJ will automatically collect the information of the name of domain, IP address, date and time and the pages you visit. The collected information is only for statistical purpose. For all other information and inquiries about the Journal, please contact the Editor at: nanoforensics@mail.cpu.edu.tw.

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